Build zsh without Root access
How you can use zsh as your shell even if you do not have root access on your computer.
zsh needs the library ncurses for build time. Download the latest
versions of the source tgz of zsh
and ncurses
In the following example, I have used the versions ncurses-5.9.tgz
and zsh-5.0.6.tgz
Assumption: I want to install zsh to ~/opt/zsh-5.0.6
First build ncurses and put it into ~/opt/ncurses-5.9
$ tar xvzf ncurses-5.9.tgz
$ cd ncurses-5.9
configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/ncurses-5.9
$ make install
Then build zsh and put it into ~/opt/zsh-5.0.6
$ tar xvzf zsh-5.0.6.tgz
$ cd zsh-5.0.6
$ CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/opt/ncurses-5.9/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/opt/ncurses-5.9/lib"
$./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/zsh-5.0.6
$ make install